
Hello again, sweety-pies! So sweet of you to come back for updated content on stevia and all healthy things! In our previous posts, you read about the misconceptions and myths about stevia and how they are not relevant. Today, with this post, we will understand the numerous health benefits of stevia-meethi tulsi leaves (yes, some of those are indeed surprising) Let’s get going! 

What is Stevia? 

To give you a brief revision, stevia leaves are taken from a natural shrub called Stevia rebaudiana. It is generally found on the South American continent. In India, it is commonly known as meethi tulsi. Stevia, by its nature, is 50 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. Though, not all the types of stevia plants are edible, or safe for consumption. Only selective types can be taken as a sugar replacement or natural sweetener in our diets to cut down the calories. 

Yeah, we know you must be willing to ask this question. Theek hai toh, chaliye fayde ki baat karte hain! 

Benefits Of Using Stevia 

100% Natural 

Very first of the benefits of using stevia is its natural form. Chemical-less, pure, and naturally grown. These days, we’ll find anything and everything artificial or chemically processed (some for good reasons, rest, well..) from the start of the day toward the end of it. Be it our toothpaste, to night-time supplements, we see them filled with disguised chemicals. However, people have now started to switch toward healthier alternatives, natural ways. For example, we can find many homemade skincare solutions instead of processed ones from the mall. When a natural option makes a lot of sense in skincare, then it surely does for food consumption too. Why take processed sugar, when you can switch to natural stevia?

Helps With Weight Management

Just like some peoples’ math skills, the stevia is ZERO in calories(no offense, cuties). So, when you replace sugar/jaggery/brown sugar/dates, with stevia, you directly cut off all the unnecessary calories, while still being able to enjoy a great sweet taste. Stevia can be a good option for people who crave sugary delights throughout the day, like puddings, cupcakes, or even a small bite post every meal, to be able to control their calorie intake and be stable on their weight loss journey. 

Stevia is diabetic-friendly 

Being the diabetic capital of the world, India is now in need of natural diabetic sweeteners or alternatives to sugar, more than ever. We often see diabetic people not being able to even taste sweet delicacies or they give up their regular cup of tea/coffee etc. Stevia comes to the rescue here. So, one of the most loved benefits of stevia is - it is diabetic-friendly. It can be used by diabetics or pre-diabetics to maintain the sweet experience, without the harm of sugar. 


  • This is the core reason Sweetify came into existence, would you want to read the story of how our founder accidentally landed on the idea of creating a ‘0-calorie sweetener from stevia that is diabetic-friendly’? Read it here(about us page)

Stevia Doesn’t Spike Insulin

Since stevia does not contain any carbohydrates or proteins, it does not affect insulin secretion and hence doesn’t disturb blood glucose levels. However, if the stevia-based market sweeteners are mixed with any other sugar compounds like dextrose etc, then they may affect insulin in the body (we are happy to say that Sweetify doesn’t contain any such kind of compound that would impact insulin🫶☺️)

Prevents Tooth Cavities

The glycosides in the stevia plant have been shown to be an effective antibacterial agent against cavity-causing bacteria. A study published in the World Journal of Dentistry revealed that high-risk patients who used stevia mouthwash had a reduced presence of cavity-causing bacteria in their saliva.

Stevia is sugar-free and offers several dental benefits:

  • Anti-cariogenic: It does not cause cavities.
  • Non-acidogenic: It does not nourish the acid-producing bacteria that damage teeth and gums.
  • Anti-inflammatory: It does not contribute to gum disease.

May Improve Skin Health

Many times, excessive intake of sugar is linked to skin issues like flare-ups, acne, redness, and breakouts. This happens due to sudden rise and crash in blood sugar levels. And that’s when replacing sugar with natural alternatives like stevia can prevent such spikes and skin issues. Moreover, certain stevia plants have been found to have anti-bacterial properties that may help keep the skin away from diseases. 


Stevia rules, guys (haha). Jokes apart, we honestly think that the benefits of stevia are remarkable and should be considered when replacing sugar with any natural alternatives. With each small step of sugar replacement, we march toward a healthier lifestyle. So, let’s start with one cup today.