
Why we need to reduce our sugar intake?

We didn’t always consume so much sugar. Previously, we got sugar from fewer sources like fruits and the like. That much sugar was enough for our bodies to handle. But now, almost all products out there have sugar added to them. And with so much sugar overloading our systems, our bodies are breaking down. Think about it, you have sugar present in fruits, vegetables, and milk, then it is added in teas, coffees, juices, snacks, and so much more. WHO recommends around 30 to 40 grams of sugar per day but we intake around 80, double the amount.

So why do doctors, nutritionists, and organisations like WHO keep reiterating the need to cut down on sugar intake? For a multitude of reasons.

Benefits of reducing sugar intake:

1.It helps keep your pearly whites pearly white

We all know sugar causes cavities and whatnot. But what if we reduced or stopped consuming sugar? Won’t our oral health increase manyfold instantly? The bacteria in our teeth convert sugar into acid which eats our teeth away. Chances of plaque build-up, erosion of enamel, tooth decay, gum disease and cavities, all decreases immensely when sugar is reduced. This does not mean that you shouldn’t brush your teeth twice a day. Reducing sugar is taking a step towards a healthier lifestyle.

2.It helps regulate your blood sugar

See, when we consume sugar from fruits and the like, due to the sugar being accompanied by other nutrients like fibre, it is released slowly into the bloodstream. But when we consume sugar in sweets, sodas and the like, it is empty sugar not accompanied by any other nutrients. And too much sugar without companion nutrients is released quickly into the bloodstream which spikes your blood sugar. Let this happen often and you’ll have your hands full with diabetes. This can lead to more health issues in the future. Not a fun fact: India is the diabetes capital of the world.

3.It can help in weight management

Too much sugar leads to weight gain. When you consume sugar in sweets, sodas and other sugary items, you are eating empty calories that only work towards increasing your total calorie intake which leads to weight gain. Cutting down on these sugar-loaded monstrosities can help you avoid these extra calories and help you manage your weight better because weight gain can result in further health problems down the line.

4.It can help reduce the chances of chronic health conditions

Sugar can lead to a lot of health problems, some of which we discussed above like oral health, diabetes, and weight gain but these are not all. These are just the entry points for more harm to your health. Lower energy levels & slump, cardiovascular risks, cancer, NAFLD or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which is also called MASLD or metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s disease and more. Thus, it becomes imperative we reduce our sugar intake.


We have gone through some of the benefits of decreasing our sugar intake but these are not all. Some benefits of cutting out sugar include better skin health and reduced inflammation leading to reduced acne. Too much sugar can result in acne breakouts. There is a whole horde of other benefits of cutting out sugar and they only stack the more consistently one consumes sugar in balance and moderation. What we have to do is not take too much sugar as it stresses the body which in turn stresses the mind which in turn stresses the body and this begins a vicious cycle. Instead of this, we can enter a virtual cycle by consuming sugar in balance and keeping ourselves healthy.

Sweetifying health : )


  1. What is considered too much sugar intake?
    Our daily recommended sugar intake by the WHO is anywhere between 25 to 35 grams. Anything more than 40 is considered excess.
  2. What chronic health conditions are associated with high sugar intake?
    You can find them here.
  3. What are some healthier alternatives to sugary snacks?
    Choosing snacks that aren’t ultra-processed and don’t have too much added sugar. Whole foods, fruits, and the like are good alternatives.
  4. How can parents reduce sugar intake in their children's diet?
    By choosing foods that are nutrient-dense as they satiate hunger, keep the stomach filled for longer and reduce consumption of snacks with empty sugar calories.
  5. How does high sugar intake affect sleep quality?
    High sugar intake causes inflammation, raises blood sugar levels and puts your body in a slump. You are left hanging in a state where you either a.) don’t need sleep but feel a decline in your energy levels or b.) need sleep but the elevated sugar levels aren’t letting you get any.