

Craving something sweet and tropical? These Sugar-Free Coconut Ladoos, sweetened with powdered stevia, are a perfect treat to satisfy your sweet tooth. They're easy to make and delicious to enjoy.


  1. 2 cups desiccated coconut
  2. 1/2 cup condensed milk (sugar-free or regular)
  3. 1/2 cup powdered stevia
  4. 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
  5. A pinch of saffron strands
  6. Ghee for greasing


1. Mix the Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, combine desiccated coconut, condensed milk, and powdered stevia. Mix well to form a cohesive mixture.

2. Warm the Mixture: Transfer the mixture to a non-stick pan and cook it on low heat. Stir continuously to avoid sticking and burning. Cook until the mixture thickens and leaves the sides of the pan. Add cardamom powder and saffron strands while stirring.

3. Shape the Ladoos: Allow the mixture to cool slightly, so it's easy to handle. Grease your hands with ghee and shape the mixture into small, round ladoos.

4. Cool and Serve: Let the ladoos cool down and set for a few hours. They are ready to serve once they hold their shape.


  • Adjust the amount of powdered stevia to match your preferred level of sweetness.

  • You can garnish these ladoos with a sliver of almond or pistachio on top for an added touch of elegance.