

Enjoy the delightful and colorful Rava Kesari without added sugar, thanks to powdered stevia. This sweet semolina dessert is a hit at festivals and special occasions, and now it can be a part of your healthy menu.


  1. 1 cup fine semolina (rava)
  2. 1/4 cup ghee
  3. 1 cup water
  4. 1 cup milk
  5. 1/2 cup powdered stevia
  6. A pinch of saffron strands
  7. Chopped nuts for garnish (cashews and almonds)
  8. A pinch of cardamom powder


1. Roast the Semolina: Heat ghee in a pan and roast the semolina until it turns golden brown and emits a fragrant aroma.

2. Prepare the Saffron Milk: In a separate pan, warm the milk and add saffron strands. Let it sit to infuse the saffron's beautiful color and aroma.

3. Cook the Semolina: In the semolina pan, carefully add water while continuously stirring. Once the water is absorbed, add the saffron-infused milk and mix well.

4. Sweeten with Stevia: Sprinkle the powdered stevia into the mixture and stir until well combined. Adjust the sweetness to your liking.

5. Garnish and Serve: Add a pinch of cardamom powder and garnish with chopped nuts. Serve this warm, sweet delight as a perfect sugar-free alternative.


  • Stir continuously to prevent lumps while roasting the semolina.

  • Adjust the quantity of powdered stevia according to your preferred level of sweetness.